Michael C. Murphy


Mike is a South Bend elder law attorney who has spoken widely on elder law issues to older adults, nursing homes, and continuing legal education programs for other lawyers.

  • 1991 - "Indiana Elder Law."
  • 1992 - "Planning Opportunities with Living Trusts in Indiana."
  • 1998 - "Estate Planning for the Professional."
  • 1998 - "Divorce and Remarriage for the Older Client."
  • 2003 - "Elder Law Miscellaneous."

He received his undergraduate and Juris Doctor degrees from the University of Notre Dame and has practiced law in South Bend since 1979. He is a member of the St. Joseph County and Indiana State Bar Associations.

PH: (574) 235-7950

FX: (574) 235-7954

Email: Mike@murphyelderlaw.com

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